2023 Pie & AI Ambassador Spotlight: Irvi Aini, Tegal

Pie & AI is a series of events organized by DeepLearning.AI, a global community aimed at fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). These events are typically informal gatherings where attendees can network, learn, and engage with others who share a passion for AI, ML, and related technologies.

Why did you join the DeepLearning.AI community as an event ambassador?

Being an Event Ambassador for the DeepLearning.AI community provides an opportunity to play a crucial role in bridging the gap between academia, industry, and enthusiasts. It offers me a platform to share the knowledge, experience, and insights I’ve gained from pursuing my Master’s degree in data science.

My enthusiasm for ML and AI drives my desire to explore the intersections of these technologies with other fields, such as finance, accounting, and business management. By participating in the Pie & AI events as an Event Ambassador, I can leverage this opportunity to create engaging discussions and meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.

The DeepLearning.AI community offers a plethora of resources and a diverse network that can help me stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in AI and ML, thus enriching my sessions. Moreover, this role allows me to contribute to the growth and development of the community by fostering connections among its members and facilitating knowledge exchange. In essence, being an Event Ambassador enables me to not only expand my own knowledge but also to help others learn and grow in the field of AI and ML.

What do you do when you are not hosting events with DeepLearning.AI

When not hosting events with DeepLearning.AI, my primary focus is on pursuing my Master’s degree in data science. This allows me to continually expand my knowledge and skill set in the ever-evolving fields of AI and ML. Balancing academics with a professional career, I work as a software engineer, where I apply my technical expertise to develop, maintain, and optimize software solutions.

In addition to my studies and work, I’m currently an active contributor to the open-source community. I have made several contributions to prominent projects such as Apache Beam, Keras, and Kubernetes. These projects have a substantial impact on the technology landscape, and my involvement demonstrates my commitment to the development and enhancement of cutting-edge technologies.

Moreover, I’m passionate about volunteering and giving back to the community. As a mentor during the Grace Hopper Open Source Day, I have played an instrumental role in empowering and supporting women in the field of technology, promoting diversity, and inclusion. I also served as an instructor for Bangkit by Google, a program designed to equip students in Indonesia with programming skills and knowledge. Through this program, I have made a positive impact by helping to develop and nurture the next generation of technology professionals in Indonesia.

Describe a few highlights from your event ambassador experience.

As an Event Ambassador, I have had several memorable experiences and highlights that showcase my passion for sharing knowledge and fostering a strong sense of community in the field of AI and ML.

One significant highlight from my experience is the opportunity to present a talk on the integration of ML and AI with other fields, specifically using finance as a case study. In this talk, I discussed real-world examples and demonstrated how the application of AI and ML technologies could enhance financial processes, optimize decision-making, and bring about innovative solutions. This interdisciplinary approach allowed me to showcase the vast potential of AI and ML, inspiring attendees to consider novel applications in their own fields of expertise.

Another key highlight of my experience as an Event Ambassador is the opportunity to interact with attendees from diverse backgrounds and with varying levels of expertise in AI and ML. I have enjoyed supporting their learning journey by answering questions, clarifying doubts, and sharing valuable insights gained from my own experiences in the field. These interactions have not only allowed me to forge meaningful connections with like-minded individuals but have also provided me with a platform to continuously learn and grow through the exchange of ideas and perspectives.

What have you gained since joining the DeepLearning.AI community?

Since joining the DeepLearning.AI community as an event ambassador, I have gained valuable insights and experiences that have contributed to my personal and professional growth.

First, networking with incredible people from diverse backgrounds and expertise has broadened my perspective on the application and potential of AI and ML technologies. By engaging in meaningful conversations and learning from others’ experiences, I have not only expanded my knowledge but have also gained a deeper understanding of various challenges and opportunities within the field. These connections have helped me to form a strong support network that will be invaluable for future collaborations and endeavors.

Moreover, being a part of the DeepLearning.AI community has given me the gratification of helping others. By sharing my knowledge, answering questions, and providing guidance, I have played a crucial role in fostering a collaborative learning environment. This exchange of knowledge has not only helped the community but has also provided me with an opportunity to refine my communication and presentation skills, enhancing my ability to convey complex concepts effectively.

Finally, being in a shared space with like-minded individuals has been instrumental in my continuous learning and skill development. The DeepLearning.AI community offers a platform where I can stay up-to-date with the latest advancements, discuss new ideas, and explore innovative approaches. By actively participating in the community and its events, I have gained a wealth of knowledge that can be applied to my ongoing Master’s degree in data science, my work as a software engineer, and my involvement in open-source projects.

Do you want to become a Pie & AI Ambassador?